Become a Member

What We Can Do For You
Membership in or Club will provide the opportunity to return something to the community in which your live and/or work. It will offer you the means to help the less fortunate, to improve your community, and to advance
into positions of greater responsibility and leadership within the Club.

What Our Club Asks Of You
We ask that you participate at meetings and in Club events and projects, that you lend your talents to assist in special areas of need, that you share your ideas and expertise to help the Club effectively achieve it goals, and that you participate in one or more committees of your choice. Members are urged to attend a least one dinner meeting per month.

Becoming A Member
Your sponsor will invite you to one of our dinner meetings as a guest of the Club. Here you will have an opportunity to meet other members and learn more about Kiwanis and what we do for our community.

You will then receive additional information from the Club through your sponsor and the Membership Committee. You will be invited to attend a second meeting and will be given a Membership Application to complete and return to the Club Secretary. Now you will become a member candidate. After attending 3 meetings, your application will be submitted to the Board of Directors to be voted on at an upcoming Board meeting. Upon approval, you will be notified to remit your dues and the date for your induction will be selected. Induction of new members takes place at one of our regular bi-weekly meetings.

Annual dues are currently $105. There is also a onetime initiation and processing fee of $25.

All members will receive a Membership Kit, subscription to the Kiwanis International magazine and the Empire State Kiwanian (NY District newspaper). You will receive our Club’s bi-weekly newsletter, KWIPS, which provides important information about the Club, upcoming events and
the news and events of the previous weeks’ meetings. The monthly Division publication, The Northerner, will also be sent to you electronically.